In Layla's promotional video they used a buffer to buff the nails before applying. I would assume so that the polish would grip tightly to the nail. I honestly can't say if it would be beneficial or not. I didn't' use a basecoat or a buffer, but I've heard that other holo bases have worked successfully. The polish was slightly lumpy out of the bottle, but it applied smoothly in 3 thin coats.
Guess what? As part of my Anniversary I'm giving away Mercury Twilight with some other great Layla polishes! How cool is that? Enter my Nail Art Contest for a chance to win this awesome Layla!
The Layla Holograms can be purchased at or Aveyou only has 3 colors currently but they plan to get the rest sometime in March. They currently have Ultra Violet (light purple) and Retro Pink (light pink). The holographic lover in me couldn't let these pass. I'm really looking forward to the charcoal black as well. If you can't wait, you can purchase them now at but shipping is a beast to the US, approximately 30 euros or 15 euros with a purchase over 80 euros I believe. The Layla Holograms retail for $15.50 per bottle.