
Showing posts with label Daughter Diaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daughter Diaries. Show all posts

Saturday, March 5, 2011

80's Glam Pink Crack Nails

How are you today? I'm doing well, but I'm super exhausted because I started working out again. My goal is to exercise at least 3 days a week. Right now that's easy to do but it gets tricky when school picks up. I try to keep my workouts at 30 minutes max. Its not the best routine, but its pretty decent, and I manage to squeeze in the treadmill, elliptical and a few crunches in a half-hour.

Anyhow, I finally got my hands on the China Glaze Crackles and of course I had to try out Broken Hearted first. It's much brighter in person than I realized, almost neon. So I paired it with Neon Greenlight by Studio-M. The style sorta reminds me of the 80's Glam Rock Era.

My daughter also wanted to share her mani from earlier in the week. I was a little sad at first because she hasn't asked for a mani in quite a while. She's also fallen into the habit of biting her nails, but hopefully polishing them more often will change that. For her tiny fingers I used Zoya Sweet and Essence "Hide Bella Hide" (this name cracks me up, lol). She was super excited when I finished and couldn't wait to show her friends. I think she'll be asking for more mani's again, or at least I hope so.

Hope you're having a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gray Color for a Gray Mood

Essence PointBreak was opaque in 2 coats but it only took 1 coat for me to realize I didn't like it. I would love to give this color a good review but it is just so blah to me. I guess I'm affected by the immediate transition, or should I say lack of transition, from Summer to Fall. It was 90 degrees and sunny last week and today there's no sun to be found.

I've been really sad today and this color is not helping at all. I tried to spice it up a bit by adding my favorite, pink, along with a little white for brightness. The weather here has been awful the past few days and DH suggests we move to California to beat the fall blues.........
Speaking of DH, we had to take a trip to the emergency room over the weekend. He had severe abdominal pain which turned out to be a gallstone. Because it was so urgent, I had to take the girls with me and they talked the entire time. I guess after a while it drove DH a little crazy. My oldest daughter felt so bad that when we got home she made him a "Dad Get Better Card". It was the cutest thing I ever saw so I thought I'd share it with you.

In case it didn't come across your screen. She says she hopes he gets better soon and sorry for talking, lol.

..............Here's the outcome of my little experiment. The white and pink helped this color out tremendously.
I also put glitter over the top but I think it was a bit much :(Ulta After Party)
Well that's it for today. I have so much studying to catch up on since I've been managing the girls solo. Until I polish again.........................

Monday, May 24, 2010

I Want My Nails Painted Too

I think I'm turning my girls into little nail polish fanatics. The other day we went to Dollar General with hubby to buy packing tape. Of course I saw this as an opportunity to check out their polish selection. We'll Lizzy, my 2 year old, wanted to hold the Poshe top coat. I tried to bribe her and swap it out for pink baby bracelets but she wasn't having it. So we let her hold it and she left with it tucked safely away in a bag that only she could carry.

My 7 year old is a little manicure perfectionist and she surprises me everyday. Every time I do her mani's she tells me where and how to clean up, lol. I think her favorite color is red but I usually try to persuade her to pick pastels instead. Here is the star mani she just had to have. After I finished she told me "Mom. I must say, not bad with the nail polish".


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